Every collection starts with an inspiration and every inspiration has a story to be told.
Hani Mahfouz, the Egyptian artist whose art is the inspiration of this collection, always finds beauty in his surroundings. Living in Cairo, in its chaotic roads and narrow streets, opens your eyes to special traits of the city that you can never find anywhere else.
The journey of this collection began on top of an old building’s roof. On each roof, there is a historical tale that survived thousands years. And each person tells the story from his own perspective. One story that remains unchanged is the story of GHEYYA, the pigeons’ loft that can be found on each old building’s rooftop.
This collection will take you on a trip, roaming the skies with the flocks of pigeons that always come back to their GHEYYA. With its different colors and the resemblance of the kites, the collection resembles the wooden structures of the lofts through the printed artwork used on the pieces. The ruffles and pleats that can be seen on few pieces, along with the feathers, imitates the movement of the pigeons’ wings. Handmade embroidery and beadwork mirrors the handmade nature of the Gheyya and the paper kite. All comes with a variety of prints that embodies the essence of this unique cultural phenomena.
An elegant chaos of a place and its population… A chaos that cannot be duplicated… A stamp of originality…All can be found in GHEYYA by Three Fifty Nine